The Niranjana School proudly participated in the prestigious Srijan 2024, an inter-school competition organised by The Emerald Heights International School. With 32 schools competing for top honours, the event was a testament to the immense talent and creativity among young minds.
Our students brought their A-game to the stage:
- Dakshita Jain (Class 7) captivated the judges with her storytelling prowess, securing third place in the Tapestry Tales competition. Her ability to craft intricate narratives and deliver them with passion was truly commendable.
- The dynamic duo of Rishna Patel (Class 7) and Samaira Theophilus (Class showcased their innovative thinking and artistic flair in the Ad-Venture Challenge. Their creative advertisement concept earned them a well-deserved third place in this challenging event.
The girls’ achievements are a testament to their hard work, dedication, and the supportive environment at The Niranjana School. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the winners and express our gratitude to the school for fostering such enriching opportunities.
The trophies received by the girls are not merely symbols of victory but also a recognition of their potential. Experiences like these inspire young minds to explore their talents and strive for excellence.