Our Inspiration
Your child needs the right support to help her grow.
The Mother
True education has to unfold and reveal what is already present in the children. They open themselves in joy and open themselves to the sun. The finest, one could give to a child would be to teach her to know herself and to master herself. It will be best, to instill in them, the will to conquer the future, then the will to always look ahead and want to move on as smoothly as they can towards... what will be.
Sri Aurobindo
The first principle of teaching is that nothing can be taught. The teacher is not an instructor or a task master, he is a helper and a guide. His business is to suggest and not to impose. The second principle is that the mind has to be consulted in its own growth. The third principle is to work from the near to the far from "which is" to that " which shall be.
Teaching, example, influence- these are the three instalments of the guru. The wise teacher will not seek to impose himself or his opinion on the passive acceptance of the reactive mind. He will throw in only what is productive and sow as a seed, which will grow under the divine fostering within.