The Niranjana School once again proved its dominance in sports, with students delivering an extraordinary performance at the Viva Vibgyor Inter-School Judo Competition, held on 29th and 30th November 2024 at Vibgyor School, Vijay Nagar, Indore, Madhya Pradesh. With unwavering determination, exceptional skill, and remarkable teamwork, TNS athletes clinched an impressive tally of 14 Gold, 12 Silver, and 24 Bronze medals across various weight categories.

The crowning moment of the competition came when The Niranjana School was honoured with the prestigious Overall Girls Championship Trophy đźŹ†đźŹ†â€”a clear testament to the collective excellence and commitment to athletic development.
The school’s medal haul was truly remarkable, with victories across multiple weight categories. Coaches Maharukh Khan and Jasleen Singh expressed immense pride in the students’ achievements, commending the young judokas for their relentless hard work, dedication, and unwavering focus.
This stellar performance highlights not only the individual brilliance of Niranjana’s students but also the strength of its sports programme. The school’s commitment to promoting sports and providing quality coaching has been instrumental in nurturing young talent and achieving success at such a grand scale.
As Niranjana School’s athletes continue to shine, we look forward to witnessing even greater achievements in the future!