June 18th. It is the day we celebrate fathers, the extraordinary pillars of strength in our lives. Their unconditional love, timely guidance, and the sacrifices they make for us do not go unnoticed. To honour them and showcase the beautiful bond our students share with their fathers, we wish to share some sweet moments captured in photographs.
The Niranjana School firmly believes that the collaboration of parents and teachers enriches a child’s educational journey. With the constant contribution of fathers towards the growth of their children and the inspiration they provide their young minds to strive to become better individuals, they are an essential key to unlocking their children’s potential.
We wish to send our deepest gratitude to all the remarkable fathers for their dedication and tireless efforts. You are, and always will be, the superheroes of our students’ lives, even as they become the respectable adults you always wanted them to be. Happy Father’s Day to you all!