“AQUA,” as the name suggests, signifies “WATER.” Niranjana School created an extensive array of sea creatures through a plethora of activities such as fishing fun, marine magical wonders, spot...
In the new era of educational and knowledge-enhancing trips, students from various schools and colleges in the city of Indore have been given the opportunity to visit the Dainik...
The Niranjana School, Indore, celebrated Republic Day on 26th January 2024, on the school premises. The program started with a March Past by the students of Classes 7 and...
Recently, at the Inter-school VIVA Vibgyor Judo Tournament held in Vibgyor School, Indore, The Niranjana School showcased outstanding prowess, securing the 2nd runner-up trophy among the spirited competition. With...
A famous quote beautifully encapsulates the essence of Christmas: ‘Christmas is truly a treasure to behold when a cozy throw keeps you snuggled in.’ Embracing this sentiment, our school...
The winter carnival at The Niranjana School was a delightful celebration brimming with festive spirit. Students, decked out in winter attire, engaged in various activities such as Tic Tac...
The Nursery students recently immersed themselves in a kaleidoscope of hues during their Colour Day celebrations. Drenched in vibrant shades, tiny tots explored the magic of colours through playful...
The Nursery students recently immersed themselves in a kaleidoscope of hues during their Colour Day celebrations. Drenched in vibrant shades, tiny tots explored the magic of colours through playful...
Experience the heartwarming exchange of creativity and generosity this Diwali. These captivating photos showcase the students at the NGO ‘Manyata ki Pehchan’ for whom our talented UKG students crafted...
The Niranjana School radiated festive cheer during its Diwali celebration on the 7th and 8th of November 2023. The festivities commenced with a special morning assembly orchestrated by enthusiastic...